To whom it may concern,


The Trenton Depot has been a historic landmark in Gilchrist County for over a century and represents the instrumental influence that agriculture has had and continues to have within our region.  This landmark is in dire need of renovation that has become a challenge due to the situation surrounding the title of the property.  The Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce, the businesses and community of Trenton, and Gilchrist County as a whole, are concerned for the future of this iconic building that has become synonymous with the city.


If I may provide some historical context to the current situation.  The City of Trenton and The Department of Environmental Protection and Office of Greenways Trail have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, dated: September 12, 2007. Since then, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the City of Trenton have done only what is required to keep the building functional.  The depot needs renovation, and the city is willing to seek opportunities to fund the renovations.  However, they are only able to move forward if the city owns the building and surrounding property. 


The City of Trenton is a low-income area and has infrastructure issues that are taking priority for the community. Therefore, the City of Trenton is not willing to invest into a building that the city does not own.


The City of Trenton has expressed to their State delegation their desire to have the title for the Train Depot be turned over to the City.


The Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce has discussed this issue and strongly encourage the legislature to convey title of the Depot and surrounding property (not including the Greenway Trail) to the City of Trenton.  If the legislature is not willing to convey title, we are encouraging the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to consider turning the property over to the city through the surplus process.  Thank you for your help in protecting Florida and Gilchrist County history.