August Newsletter

The dog days of summer are coming to an end, and the children are back in school. The August Chamber meeting had another wonderful turnout with over 30 participants and was very productive.  A special thank you to ROAMR Wireless & Broadband who provided lunch.

Under Old Business, members were given an update from the Suwanee Valley Quilt Festival and the Holiday House Hop committees.  I am happy to report that the committees are on track and things are coming together for the events.  The board also moved to obtain a limited credit card which will allow efficient business purchases on set budgeted items.


Under New Business the board moved to obtain the Eventbrite ticket purchasing platform to be used for the Chamber events where tickets will be sold.  This will help streamline and organize all events requiring tickets.  Update on the Ice Slide for the Friday evening Old Fashioned Christmas Event: I am happy to announce that the kids will be sliding for Christmas and a special Thank you goes out to Stoney Smith who helped with obtaining the slide. The board then approved the request for a letter of support to be issued regarding the completion of the Hotel near the Riverwalk community.


As a reminder, here is a list of the upcoming events that are sponsored by the Chamber and the chairperson for each committee. Please contact the chairperson if you would like to help volunteer during an event.


  1. Old Fashion Christmas – Friday, December 8th, 2023, from 6pm to 8:30 pm.

Saturday, December 9th, 2023, from 9 am to 2 pm.

  1. Holiday House Hop – Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 2 pm to 8 pm
  1. Annual Banquet – Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  1. Suwanee Valley Quilt Festival – Saturday, March 23, 2024, 9am to 3 pm.
  1. Maxine Parrish Garden & Homestead Sale – April 6, 2024, 9 am to 2 pm.


Please help welcome our newest members: Ellie Ray’s RV Resort, Redeemed & Restored Resale Ministry, Inc., Horses Without Humans Rescue, Biscayne Boatworx LLC., and KCR Insurance and Planning. I would also like to give a special “Thank you” for those members who have renewed their annual membership. For more information on these businesses and others, please visit the chamber’s website at

To join the Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce simply send a request to and an information packet will be sent.

The next Chamber meeting will be held on September 12th at 12 noon, located at the Trenton Community Center.  If you would like to sponsor the lunch, please contact the Chamber at  As a friendly reminder, shop locally to show your support for our businesses! By working together, we build a stronger community.